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Look Up Articles in Litmaps

Here's how to look up articles in the Litmaps search bar.

Marina Kisley avatar
Written by Marina Kisley
Updated over a week ago

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Types of searches in Litmaps

Litmaps offers two kinds of search:

  • Search bar: The search bar at the top right of the screen, that lets you look up articles in the Litmaps database.

  • Litmaps Explore: Litmaps gives you suggestions of relevant articles based on articles in your Litmap.

How to search for articles in the Litmaps search bar

Use the Litmaps search bar to look for an article you know or based on your topic. This is where you'll select articles that will be inputs to your Litmap.

Here's how to lookup articles in Litmaps:

  1. Click on the Search Bar at the top left of the app

  2. Type in keywords on your topic, or a paper you know

  3. Hit Enter

You can select one or more articles from this screen to create a Litmap.

Advanced Lookup and Boolean Operators

We use Elasticsearch to power the Keyword Search Engine.

We support several advanced search operators and boolean operators including:

" … " = Match exact phrases – Ideal for title searches

- = Exclude the next term

( … ) = Group terms

pre* = Matches all possibilities after the given prefix

| = Logical OR operator

+ = Logical AND operator

For example, turtles + microplastics will return articles that include both "turtles" and "microplastics" in the title and/or abstract.

These operators apply both to the article lookup searches in the application, as well as to the keyword filter.

How does the Litmaps search bar work?

The Litmaps search bar searches through the Litmaps database. By default, it uses the Google Scholar Keyword Search Engine*.

You can change the Keyword Search Engine by clicking on the Google Scholar icon and choose either Semantic Scholar or Litmaps from the menu.

*Note: The search engine is different than the search database! The search database is still Litmaps, while the engine is that of Google Scholar. If you can't find a paper, click here.

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